###### Citation Information ###### Dataset title: ISAAC AM Petal CAD files Responsible person: Marcell Westsik Co-creator(s): Dr. Carolyn Atkins Year of publication: 2023 Funder: UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship ‘Printing the future of space telescopes’ under grant # MR/T042230/1 ###### Licence and Data Access Information ###### Licence: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY) Access restrictions: None ###### Data and File Overview ###### The files contained within the "CAD files.zip" folder are organised into two folders according to the latticing used, Graph and TPMS. Both folders contain .stl files corrsponding to the "As Printed" and "As Post-processed" states of the petals. The folder naming format is YYYYMMDD. Graph folder - 20230227_Graph_AsPostprocessed.stl Post-processed version of the Graph mirror petal with uniform thickness graph diamond lattice and blend radius modification towards the top surface for even support. - 20230412_Graph_AsPrinted.stl As Printed version of the Graph mirror petal with uniform thickness graph diamond lattice, blend radius modification towards the top surface for even support and fiducials for helping alignment. - 20230519_Graph_AsPrinted_rescaled.stl As Printed and rescaled version of the original Graph_AsPrinted petal, with a maximum height of 180mm. TPMS folder - 20230227_TPMS_AsPostprocessed.stl Post-processed version of the TPMS Diamond latticed petal. - 20230227_TPMS_AsPrinted.stl As Printed version of the TPMS petal with exact thickness latticing. ###### Methodological Information ###### The files were created in nTopology and were meshed with various surface meshing settings. The "As Printed" files' size are maximised at 200MB, due to slicer software limitations, while the "As Post-processed" versions size is driven by the smallest acceptable mesh quality. These files can be viewed and used via most slicer software packages.