Carroll, DavidRead, MargaretSelwood, MatthewScott, GraemeNeely, David2017-02-282017-02-282017-02-28 data provide is that used while generating a time-frequecny analysis method for EMP (electromagnetic pulses ) generated from a high intensity laser-solid interaction. The data set includes additional data where the parameters of the laser are varied. This data is voltage-time oscilloscope traces from Moebius loops, which respond to the rate of change of magnetic field, and are the same as used by M.J. Mead et al (Rev. Sci. Instru. Vol75, pp4225-4227, 2004) and are connected to a Tektronix 15GHz oscilloscope. The cables used are double sheathed coaxial cable which limits signal frequencies to less than 4Ghz. Two different targets were used, made of gold or glass. The gold target was 100 micron thick across 500 micron diameter hole in a copper substrate 100 micron thick that is 3 mm by 7 mm. The glass target was Borrosilicate Glass that was 3mm thick by 3mm tall and 0.5mm wide. This data was generated during a Vulcan Petawatt laser experiment February 2017 (13210073).enCreative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalEMPelectromagnetic pulselaser-plasmalaser-soldMoebius looptime-frequency Fourier analysisVulcan Petawatt TAPEMP generated by high intensity ultrashort laser-solid interaction on the Vulcan Petawatt Data setDataset