Mosca, SaraMatousek, Pavel2025-01-222025-01-222025-02 Offset Raman Spectra of 10 different types of preservation fluids. The Raman spectra were collected using a handheld commercial SORS instrument (Resolve, Agilent Technologies, Oxfordshire, UK) through a historic jar (labelled 'JAR') and modern glass (labelled 'vial'). The labels of the mockup solution are the following (can be found in each file): A) Glycerol 5% in water B) Glycerol 35% in water C) Glycerol 65% in water D) Industrial methylated spirits (IMS) EtOH 95% MetOH 3% in water E) EtOH 70% in water F) EtOH 70%, MetOH 5% in water G) EtOH 70%, MetOH 10% in water H) Formaldehyde 4% in water I) Formaldehyde 1% in water J) Formaldehyde 1%, EtOH 70% in water Four different datasets are provided consisting of the following: 1. SORS spectra pre-processed by external automatic routine (as described in the paper) (SORS-EXTERNAL PP-ALLTogheterdiffdaydifferentGLASS.csv) 2. SORS spectra internally pre-analysed with RESOLVE instrument (Agilent) (SORS-RESOVED PP-ALLTogheterdiffdaydifferentGLASS.csv) 3. Raw Zero spectra only (ZERO-ONLY-ALLTogheterdiffdaydifferentGLASS.cvs) 4. Raw Offset spectra only (OFFSET-ONLY-ALLTogheterdiffdaydifferentGLASS.csv)enCreative Commons Attribution 4.0 International, Preserving fluids, ResolveSORS spectra of preservation fluids through different glass-type containersDataset