Booth, NicolaAstbury, SamClarke, RobertGregory, ChristopherGreen, JamesHaddock, DavidHeathcote, RobertSpindloe, Christopher2018-07-232018-07-232017-04 frame rate camera data taken using the Gemini Laser. Data taken in 2016 and 2017 during facility access experiments (HAMS). Experiment PI: Christopher Spindloe Motivation - to test the HAMS system under Gemini operating conditions. Camera - Photron fastcam and Andor Neo Data is fast cam videos taken to look at debris production from different targets of the HAMS system and target survivabilityenCreative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalGemini LaserHAMSDebrisHigh Power LasersHigh repetition rateSPIE - Debris studies for high-repetition rate and high-power laser experiments at the Central Laser FacilityDataset