The Scientific Computing Department provides large scale HPC facilities, computing data services and infrastructure at both STFC Daresbury Laboratory and STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory.
Browsing SCD by Subject "Baroclinic vorticity generation"
Data accompanying the manuscript "Thermal transients in a U-Bend" submitted to the International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (IJHMT) July 2019. 3D volumetric cell-centre data, in vtk format (readable by Paraview,, for instance) at times \tilde{t}=0, 15, 30, 45, and 70 are enclosed. The file names are {SOLID|FLUID}_t{N}.vtu which denote data for either the fluid or solid domain at time \tilde{t}=N.
The field variables comprise:
"T"; the ensemble averaged normalised temperature.
"V"; the ensemble averaged normalised velocity.
"uu", "uv", etc.; the ensemble averaged resolved Reynolds stress components, normalised by bulk velocity.