Experimental and Computational Investigation of the Emission and Dispersion of Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) During Domestic Cooking - Dataset
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This dataset contains the computational and experimental data for the STFC Air Quality Network project "Experimental Validation of Lagrangian Stochastic Methods Targeting Indoor Air Quality". In this project, 12 minute stir frying experiments were conducted in the DOMESTIC kitchen laboratory, and the spatial particulate matter (PM) concentrations during these experiments was measured using a range of low-cost sensors. The data from these experiments was then used as validation data for computational fluid dynamics simulations of stir frying in DOMESTIC, which were performed using the finite volume solver code saturne (version 8.0.3). Cases were run on the Scientific Computing Application Resource for Facilities (SCARF).
The experimental data includes the PM, humidity and temperature readings from the sensors, in the form of csv files, as well as the data from two anemometers (also as csv files), the experimental times and dates, and the cooking protocols, and a schematic of the kitchen laboratory along with a list of sensor locations. The computational data contains the setup and outputs for all cases. Full details can be found in the README files enclosed.