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- Data and metadata for IoP publication (doi:10.1088/1742-6596/713/1/012006)(Central Laser Facility, STFC, 2014-10-08) Astbury, SamThe data and metadata supplied document the figured and resources used to publish the following paper: "In-situ formation of solidified hydrogen thin-membrane targets using a pulse tube cryocooler" (Sam Astbury et al. 2016) The paper gives an account of the Central Laser Facility's work in producing a cryogenic hydrogen/deuterium targetry system using a pulse tube cryocooler. The system was fielded in the Central laser Facility (CLF) in Harwell, Oxford UK and used to grow thin-membranes of deuterium which was then shot with a Petawatt-power laser. The paper outlines the method and system which was built in order to deliver such targets to the laser and the data supplied focusses on the parameters necessary to achieve this, supplied in the "All cryologs (up to 8.10.2014)" as well as phase diagram resources and leak testing data.
- Novel scintillator-based x-ray spectrometer for use on high repetition laser plasma interaction experiments(2017) Rusby, DeanThe data for this paper consists of 2 raw data shots from 2 experimental campaigns. 1. Vulcan TAW 2015 - 127J onto a Ta target (March 2015 - HIP Access) 2. Astra - Gemini 2015 - full power onto a gas cell (Sept 2015 - Najmudin 15110008) (full description of shots are in the paper) The remainder of the data to be uploaded is the GEANT4 input decks that was used to create the response curves from the x-ray spectrometer and the matlab codes used to perform the optimisation
- Escaping Electron from Intense Laser-Solid Interactions as a Function of Laser Spot Size(2017) Rusby, Dean; Neely, DavidA high powered laser was defocused to observe the effect that this has on the escaping electron population. The data was recorded on Image plate and saved as a .Fit file. Analysis of the diagnostic was conducted using GEANT4 and PIC simulations regarding the self-focusing of the laser on the front surface were also done. Here is the abstract: The interaction of a high-intensity laser with a solid target produces a high-energy distribution of electrons that pass into the target. These electrons reach the rear surface of the target that creates strong electric potentials that restrict the escape of many of the electrons. The measurement of the angle, flux and spectra of the electrons that do escape is able to give insights to the initial interaction. Here, the escaping electrons have been measured from interactions with intensities from 〖10〗^(17-20) W/cm2, where the intensity has been reduced by increasing the size of the focal spot. A curved diagnostic with multiple layers of differentially filtered image plate measures the escaping electrons from the target. An increase in electron flux is observed at an intensity of $ $ which corresponds to a defocus of 100 µm. The peak temperature of the electron distribution is also calculated and found to be relatively constant as a function of laser spot size.
- EMP generated by high intensity ultrashort laser-solid interaction on the Vulcan Petawatt Data set(2017-02-28) Carroll, David; Read, Margaret; Selwood, Matthew; Scott, Graeme; Neely, DavidThe data provide is that used while generating a time-frequecny analysis method for EMP (electromagnetic pulses ) generated from a high intensity laser-solid interaction. The data set includes additional data where the parameters of the laser are varied. This data is voltage-time oscilloscope traces from Moebius loops, which respond to the rate of change of magnetic field, and are the same as used by M.J. Mead et al (Rev. Sci. Instru. Vol75, pp4225-4227, 2004) and are connected to a Tektronix 15GHz oscilloscope. The cables used are double sheathed coaxial cable which limits signal frequencies to less than 4Ghz. Two different targets were used, made of gold or glass. The gold target was 100 micron thick across 500 micron diameter hole in a copper substrate 100 micron thick that is 3 mm by 7 mm. The glass target was Borrosilicate Glass that was 3mm thick by 3mm tall and 0.5mm wide. This data was generated during a Vulcan Petawatt laser experiment February 2017 (13210073).
- SPIE - Debris studies for high-repetition rate and high-power laser experiments at the Central Laser Facility(2017-04) Booth, Nicola; Astbury, Sam; Clarke, Robert; Gregory, Christopher; Green, James; Haddock, David; Heathcote, Robert; Spindloe, ChristopherHigh frame rate camera data taken using the Gemini Laser. Data taken in 2016 and 2017 during facility access experiments (HAMS). Experiment PI: Christopher Spindloe Motivation - to test the HAMS system under Gemini operating conditions. Camera - Photron fastcam and Andor Neo Data is fast cam videos taken to look at debris production from different targets of the HAMS system and target survivability
- Data used in the manuscript “Cherenkov radiation-based optical fibre diagnostics of fast electrons generated in intense laser-plasma interactions”(2017-06) Liu, Hao; Liao, Guo-Qian; Zhang, Yi-Hang; Zhu, Bao-Jun; Zhang, Zhe; Li, Yu-Tong; Scott, Graeme G.; Rusby, Dean; Armstrong, Chris; Zemaityte, Egle; Carroll, David C.; Astbury, Sam; Bradford, Phill; Woolsey, Nigel; McKenna, Paul; Neely, DavidThe data is from fiber Cerenkov diagnostics, which is taken in intense laser-plasma interactions experiments. This work has been illustrated in the paper “Cherenkov radiation-based optical fibre diagnostics of fast electrons generated in intense laser-plasma interactions”. The data is taken to prove that it is valid to use optical fiber to measure fast electrons generated in intense laser-plasma interactions. The creation method and description of the data can be find in the manuscript.
- Creation and characterization of free-standing cryogenic targets for laser-driven ion acceleration paper(Review of Scientific Instruments, 2017-07-24) Tebartz, Alexandra; Neely, David; Bedacht, Stefan; Hesse, Markus; Astbury, Sam; Clarke, Rob; Ortner, Alex; Schaumann, Gabriel; Wagner, Florian Benedikt; Roth, MarkusData used in the publication "Creation and characterization of free-standing cryogenic targets for laser-driven ion acceleration". A technique for the creation of free-standing cryogenic targets for laser-driven ion acceleration is presented, which allows to create solid state targets consisting of initially gaseous materials. In particular, the use of and the methods for its preparation as a target material for laser-driven ion acceleration are discussed. Moving in the phase diagram through the liquid phase leads to the substance covering an aperture on a cooled copper frame where it is solidified through further cooling. An account of characterization techniques for target thickness is given, with a focus on deducing thickness values from distance values delivered by chromatic confocal sensors. The target type covered in this publication was used for experiment 13210007, Vulcan, Target Area Petawatt.
- Optical polarimetry measurements for diagnosing Magnetic fields(Nature Publishing Group, 2017-08) Rajeev, Paramel PattathilThe data in here were obtained in 2011 from a Vulcan TAP experiment dedicated to measure magnetic fields at the rear of plastic targets using optical polarimetry. Details are given in the paper titled "Micron-scale mapping of megagauss magnetic fields using optical polarimetry to probe hot electron transport in petawatt-class laser-solid interactions" DOI : 10.1038/s41598-017-08619-1, SREP-16-47342. The data in here contain the raw CCD images that were used to generate the magnetic field profiles in Fig.2 in the publication. These are the measurements of the three Stokes parameters (I0 - the total transmission, I1, the parallel polarization component and I2, the perpendicular polarization component) of the reflected light from the target rear. Measurements were done with 3 calibrated optical CCD cameras. The camera settings are provided in the excel sheet. The method of calculating magnetic fields from the Stokes parameters is mentioned in the document. A matlab code developed internally was used for computations. The files here contain the Stoke parameters at three delays: (1) a negative delay where the reflected probe comes before the pump pulse, (2) probe incident 5 ps after the pump and (3) probe incident 10 ps after the pump. The files are named as "120701_5ps_I0", "120803_10ps_I1" etc, where "5ps", "10ps" etc. denote the time-delay (and therefore correspond to Fig. 2b, Fig. 2c etc. in the manuscript respectively) and I0, I1 etc denote the Stokes' components (as described in the Methods section). It was confirmed that I1^2+I2^2+I3^2=I0^2. Pixel-by-pixel calculation of the ellipticity was performed, detailed in the Methods section, and the magnetic field was calculated as described in "Magnetic field measurements.pdf".
- Impact of GCIB and ANAB surface treatments on the LIDT of ceramic Yb:YAG(2017-12-31) De Vido, Mariastefania; Walsh, Michael J.; Kirkpatrick, Sean; Svrluga, Richard; Ertel, Klaus; Phillips, P. Jonathan; Mason, Paul D.; Banerjee, Saumyabrata; Smith, Jodie M.; Butcher, Thomas J.; Edwards, Chris; Hernandez-Gomez, Cristina; Collier, John L.Thus data set contains experimental results from experiments aimed at characterising the influence of the Gas Cluster Ion Beam (GCIB) and of the Accelerated Neutral Atom Beam (ANAB) surface treatments on the laser-induced damage threshold of ceramic Yb:YAG.
- Time-resolved measurements of fast electron recirculation for relativistically intense femtosecond scale laser-plasma interactions(2018) Green, JamesThis data was generated from a 2013 Gemini experiment (Central Laser Facility) investigating fast electron transport in solid targets. The data was obtained from an optical probe that was reflected off the rear surface of the targets and collected using a single lens imaging system, before being split between three cameras that were filtered by wavelength. A 10 mm apodised portion of a second Gemini laser was used as a rear surface optical probe, incident at an angle of 40 degrees relative to target normal in a p-polarised orientation. The beam was chirped to a pulse length of between 0.3 and 5 ps by detuning the compressor. At the shortest pulse duration (300 fs) the temporal resolution was ~100 fs. By using a linear chirp, a linear relationship between wavelength and probe timing could be assumed, the shortest wavelengths (~780nm) probing earliest in time, the longest ~820nm) latest in time. In order to separate the time windows, three CCD cameras were using in the imaging line, with a different bandpass filter in front of each camera (see Green et al. J. Inst. 2014 for more details). An f=40 cm achromatic lens was used to image the target rear surface, yielding a spatial resolution of 6um at 800 nm, and a magnification of x7. The timing of the rear surface probe relative to the main pulse was also varied with the use of a timing slide. In order to make quantitative measurements of the rear surface reflectivity a reference image of each target was first obtained by just firing the probe beam of the Gemini laser. A second image was then taken with both the probe beam and main interaction pulse incident on the target, with the timing between the two varied on each shot. By normalising the on-shot reflectivity map with the reference reflectivity map obtained from the undisturbed foil, a clear 2D measurement of any change in target reflectivity was obtained.
- Data associated with the manuscript titled 'Dual ion species plasma expansion from isotopically layered cryogenic targets', published in Physical Review Letters(2018) Scott, Graeme; Carroll, David; Astbury, Sam; Clarke, Rob; Hernandez-Gomez, Cristina; Neely, DavidThis dataset includes experimental and numerical data from the manuscript 'Dual ion species plasma expansion from isotopically layered cryogenic targets', published in Physical Review Letters. This is the data obtained during the investigation of a novel ion acceleration scheme using cryogenic targets, where a heavier ion (deuterium) exists at the target vacuum interface of a lighter ion species (hydrogen). Using this target configuration, it is found that the lighter ions interact with the heavier ions to accelerate a reduced energy spread, directional, heavy ion beam. Please see the file named ‘description_of_data’ in the root directory of the attached zip file for a detailed discussion of the data contained therein.
- Effect of Rear Surface Electro-Static Fields on Hot, Refluxing and Escaping Electron Populations via PIC Simulations(2018) Rusby, Dean; Neely, David; Armstrong, ChrisThe paper is a study of the refluxing and escaping electrons from a laser-solid interaction using the Particle in Cell code EPOCH. This dataset only includes the simulation input decks that is used in the paper as the results are many terabytes of data.
- Data used in the manuscript “Study of backward terahertz radiation from intense picosecond laser-solid interactions using a multichannel calorimeter system”(2018-07) Liu, Hao; Liao, Guo-Qian; Zhang, Yi-Hang; Zhu, Bao-Jun; Zhang, Zhe; Li, Yu-Tong; Scott, Graeme; Rusby, Dean; Armstrong, Chris; Zemaityte, Egle; Bradford, Phill; Woolsey, Nigel; Huggard, Peter; McKenna, Paul; Neely, DavidThe data is from a multichannel calorimeter system, which is taken in intense laser-plasma interactions experiments. This work has been illustrated in the paper “Study of backward terahertz radiation from intense picosecond laser-solid interactions using a multichannel calorimeter system”. The data is taken to study the backward THz generation mechanism in intense laser-solid interactions using a multichannel calorimeter system. The creation method and description of the data can be find in the manuscript.
- Data associated with the SPIE manuscript ‘Coded Aperture X-ray Imaging of High Power Laser-Plasma interactions on the Vulcan Laser System’(2018-07) Heathcote, Robert; Anderson-Asubonteng, Asha; Selwood, Matthew; Spindloe, Christopher; Booth, NicolaA modified uniformly redundant array (MURA) x-ray coded aperture imager and x-ray pinhole camera were used to image the soft x-ray emission from the rear surface of targets irradiated with the Vulcan Petawatt laser. The image data was captured on Fujifilm SR Imageplate scanned at 50 micron resolution. The coded aperture had a magnification of 10x with a working distance of 75 mm from the interaction. Filtering of 26 micron Aluminium was used as an optical light block as well as to attenuate the x-ray signal. The pinhole camera had a magnification of 20x with a 25 micron Tantalum pinhole with a 25 micron Beryllium filter and a working distance of 25 mm.
- Development of a 100 J, 10 Hz laser for compression experiments at the High Energy Density Instrument at the European XFEL(2018-10) Mason, PaulThis data set contains wavefront (HASO .has file), far-field beam quality (.pgm) and energy stability (excel) data from DiPOLE used in this publication.
- Generalised Jones matrix method for off-axis propagation of 3D polarised light through anisotropic media - dataset(2018-12-31) De Vido, MariastefaniaThis dataset gathers theoretical analysis and experimental results on a number of anisotropic materials. Materials considered are sapphire, exhibiting uniaxial linear birefringence, topaz, exhibiting biaxial linear birefringence, and crystalline quartz, exhibiting both uniaxial linear birefringence and optical activity. The data relate to a set of experiments aimed at verifying a novel generalised analytical method for describing the effect of anysotropic materials on polarised light propagating at arbitrary angles with respect to the optic axes of the material.
- Data associated with the manuscript titled "Multi-millijoule coherent terahertz bursts from picosecond laser-irradiated metal foils"(2019) Liao, Guoqian; Li, Yutong; Liu, Hao; Scott, Graeme; Neely, David; Zhang, Yihang; Zhu, Baojun; Zhang, Zhe; Armstrong, Chris; Zemaityte, Egle; Bradford, Philip; Huggard, Peter; Rusby, Dean; McKenna, Paul; Brenner, Ceri; Woolsey, Nigel; Wang, Weimin; Sheng, Zhengming; Zhang, JieThis dataset includes experimental and numerical data from the manuscript 'Multi-millijoule coherent terahertz bursts from picosecond laser-irradiated metal foils'. The experimental data are obtained in the experiment titled “Intense terahertz radiation from picosecond laser-produced plasmas” (App No.: 16110035, PI: David Neely), performed at TAW Vulcan from 8th May 2017 to 10th June 2017. The data are taken to demonstrate a terahertz (THz) pule energy as high as tens of millijoules (mJ) and identify the underlying THz generation mechanisms. Please see the file named “Data description” in the root directory of the attached zip file for a detailed description of the data contained therein. The acquisition and analysis methods of the data can also be found in the manuscript.
- Dataset summarising experimental results on the performance of a quartz polarisation rotator at low temperature(2019) De Vido, MariastefaniaThis dataset provides the experimental data on the performance of a 13.11 mm crystalline quartz rotator at low temperature. The rage of temperatures covered in this study is between 77 K and 325 K. We measured the temperature dependence of optical activity by propagating 1030 nm laser light collinearly with the optic axis. The effect on the polarisation state of the beam was assessed using an extinction method, where the beam propagates, in succession, through a polariser, the quartz sample and another polariser (analyser). The data is summarised in an Excel document. The first tab relates to data collected by keeping the transmission axes of the polariser and analyser parallel while the temperature of the quartz sample was varied. The other tabs contain the experimental data collected by varying the orientation of the transmission axis of the analyser while keeping the temperature of the quartz sample constant.
- Data associated with the manuscript titled “Effects of internal target structures on laser-driven neutron production”(2019-04-26) Neely, DavidThis work is a study of laser-driven neutron production effected by different internal target structures via the Particle in Cell code KLAPS and a Monte Carlo post-processor. It has been illustrated in the manuscript titled “Effects of internal target structures on laser-driven neutron production” [Zhang et al 2019 Nucl. Fusion]. Please see the dataset associated with the results of the manuscript. The simulation setup and analysis methods for the data can be found in the manuscript.
- Biggles PLOS one submission data(2019-07) Hirsch, Michael; Zanetti-Domingues, Laura CarolinaData accompaning manuscript "A global sampler of single particle tracking solutions for single molecule microscopy"