Data and DOIs related to “Laser produced electromagnetic pulses: generation, detection and mitigation”

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Consoli, Fabrizio
Tikhonchuk, Vladimir
Bardon, Matthieu
Bradford, Philip
Carroll, David
Cikhardt, Jakub
Cipriani, Mattia
Clarke, Robert
Cowan, Thomas
Danson, Colin

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This repository entry is a central DOI for data related to the electromagnetic pulse (EMP) review paper titled: “Laser produced electromagnetic pulses: generation, detection and mitigation”. Data already in existing archives have the DOI provided. New data not in an archive is provided within this DOI. The review paper abstract is: “This paper provides an up to date review of the problems related to the generation, detection and mitigation of strong electromagnetic pulses created in the interaction of high power, high energy laser pulses with different types of solid targets. It includes new experimental data obtained independently at several international laboratories. The mechanisms of electromagnetic field generation are analyzed and considered as a function of the intensity and the spectral range of emissions they produce. The major emphasis is put towards the GHz frequency domain which is the most damaging for electronics and may have important applications. The physics of electromagnetic emissions in other spectral domains, in particular THz and MHz, is also discussed. The theoretical models and numerical simulations are compared with the results of experimental measurements, with special attention to the methodology of measurements and complementary diagnostics. Understanding the underlying physical processes is the basis for developing techniques to mitigate the electromagnetic threat and to harness electromagnetic emissions, which may have promising applications.” List of data: • Figure 5: Matlab code and input file used to generate figure provided in file “” • Figure 6: Matlab code and input file used to generate figure provided in file “” • Figure 18: experimental data used to generate figure is located at: • Figure 54: data used to generate figure is located at: • Figure 55: data used to generate figure is located at: • Figure 56: data used to generate figure is located at: • Figure 57: data used in figure given in excel spreadsheet provided in file “Figures-57-58-59_Orion_Hillier-D” • Figure 58: data used in figure given in excel spreadsheet provided in file “Figures-57-58-59_Orion_Hillier-D” • Figure 59: data used in figure given in excel spreadsheet provided in file “Figures-57-58-59_Orion_Hillier-D”





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