CLF Datasets
Recent Submissions
- Data for "Heat-induced degradation of compressor performance on the Gemini laser at high repetition rate", A Sahoo et al(2025) Symes, DanielData used to create plots shown in the published figures
- SORS spectra of preservation fluids through different glass-type containers(2025-02) Mosca, Sara; Matousek, PavelSpatially Offset Raman Spectra of 10 different types of preservation fluids. The Raman spectra were collected using a handheld commercial SORS instrument (Resolve, Agilent Technologies, Oxfordshire, UK) through a historic jar (labelled 'JAR') and modern glass (labelled 'vial'). The labels of the mockup solution are the following (can be found in each file): A) Glycerol 5% in water B) Glycerol 35% in water C) Glycerol 65% in water D) Industrial methylated spirits (IMS) EtOH 95% MetOH 3% in water E) EtOH 70% in water F) EtOH 70%, MetOH 5% in water G) EtOH 70%, MetOH 10% in water H) Formaldehyde 4% in water I) Formaldehyde 1% in water J) Formaldehyde 1%, EtOH 70% in water Four different datasets are provided consisting of the following: 1. SORS spectra pre-processed by external automatic routine (as described in the paper) (SORS-EXTERNAL PP-ALLTogheterdiffdaydifferentGLASS.csv) 2. SORS spectra internally pre-analysed with RESOLVE instrument (Agilent) (SORS-RESOVED PP-ALLTogheterdiffdaydifferentGLASS.csv) 3. Raw Zero spectra only (ZERO-ONLY-ALLTogheterdiffdaydifferentGLASS.cvs) 4. Raw Offset spectra only (OFFSET-ONLY-ALLTogheterdiffdaydifferentGLASS.csv)
- Data for 'A scintillating fiber imaging spectrometer for active characterisation of laser-driven proton beams', J. K. Patel et al., High Power Laser Science and Engineering, 2024(2024) Patel, Jesel KumarThis dataset contains the raw experimental data, relevant calibration data, source code, configuration files, simulation data and analysis scripts which are associated with the research published in the article 'A scintillating fiber imaging spectrometer for active characterisation of laser-driven proton beams', J. K. Patel et al., High Power Laser Science and Engineering, 2024. The data are organised into Section datasets corresponding to sections of the main article to which the contained data are associated. Each Section dataset is organised to separate raw data, calibration data, configuration files, source code, analysis scripts (and intermediate analysis files) and generate figures. Each dataset also contains a dedicated README.txt file which describes the purpose and content of each of the files in the dataset in detail. The main article and associated supplementary material contain the details of the experimental and simulation setups and should be the main point of reference. The additional files '', '' and '' are used by other analysis scripts in multiple datasets, so are included just once in the root directory to avoid duplication. The analysis scripts and interactive notebooks were run using Python 3.9.19 and the following additional packages are required throughout the analysis: - numpy-1.24.3 - matplotlib-3.8.0 - pandas-2.0.3 - scipy-1.9.3 - scikit-image-0.19.3 - tifffile-2023.8.30 - uproot 4.3.7
- Experimental and simulation dataset for a Multi-modal imaging detector proof of concept and associated paper(2024-10) Armstrong, C. DDataset associated with the Review of Scientific Instruments article titled "Simultaneous co-axial multi-modal inspection using a laser driven x-ray and neutron source" published in 2024. Dataset includes all relevant raw data, a detailed shotsheet providing necessary metadata for the experimental work, python files to generate each figure in the manuscript, and simulation input decks used in the manuscript. The directory "./data/" contains image files (.tif) generated with a Hamamatsu Image Intensifier system and neutron time-of-flight traces (.csv) generated with a PMT and Teledyne Lecroy oscilloscope, and the shotsheet (.xlsx) with pertinent experimental information. Each figure (excluding figure 3, which is an experimental layout diagram) is generated using python (version 3.8.5) and associated standard scientific libraries (numpy, matplotlib, PIL, pandas, scipy), the files to generate each figure have been included in the DOI. Figure 6 includes simulation data generated with G4 Beamlines version 3.08, the necessary input deck is included (./simulation/TAW_bimodal_detector.g4bl) as well a directory for the neutron simulation (./simulation/3MeV_neutrons/) and x-rays (./simulation/200keV_x-rays/), within each directory is the necessary "trackFile.txt" which defines the spectral content of the each simulated beam and "totalEnergy.txt" which is the output file from the simulation. The totalEnergy.txt for each simulation is read by the and contains two columns with the detector volume (world, pixels 1-3250, etc.) and the energy deposited in each. Installation instructions for G4 Beamlines can be found at the website: .
- Data associated with manuscript "Demonstration of stable, long-term operation of a nanosecond pulsed DPSSL operating at 10 J, 100 Hz"(2025-01-31) De Vido, Mariastefania; Quinn, Gary; Clarke, Danielle; Luke, McHughData on the characterisation of DiPOLE 10 J, 100 Hz laser system.
- Datasets and figures exploring x-ray imaging performance analytically for manuscript titled: "X-ray detector requirements for laser-plasma accelerators"(2023-12) Armstrong, C. DData used in each figure for the manuscript titled: "X-ray detector requirements for laser-plasma accelerators". Figure files are each self contained .py scripts requiring Python version 3.8.5+, and standard scientific libraries Numpy, Matplotlib and Scipy to execute the scripts. Relevant cross-section/spectral data is included for persistent plotting as well as analytical functions described in the manuscript.
- Access to the full 3D Brillouin zone with time resolution, using a new tool for pump-probe ARPES(2023-09-28) Majchrzak, Paulina; Zhang, Yu; Kuibarov, Andrii; Chapman, Richard; Wyatt, Adam; Springate, Emma; Borisenko, Sergey; Büchner, Bernd; Hofmann, Philip; Sanders, CharlotteData presented in figures of manuscript "Access to the full 3D Brillouin zone with time resolution, using a new tool for pump-probe ARPES," also available as preprint at . Generated during Artemis commissioning beamtime 22325000, April-May 2021, using Fermiologics FeSuMa analyzer for pump-probe ARPES measurements on the Artemis Red Dragon 1-kHz beamline.
- SORS spectra of COVID-19 Vaccine(2023-09-15) Mosca, Sara; Matousek, PavelSpatially Offset Raman Spectra of 45 genuine covid-19 vaccines, and surrogates for potential and intercepted falsified vaccines . The Raman spectra were collected using a handheld commercial SORS instrument (Resolve, Agilent Technologies, Oxfordshire, UK)
- Raw data associated with Cr:YAG/Yb:YAG adhesive free bonded slabs supporting 10 J, 10 Hz amplification in DiPOLE(2023-12-31) De Vido, Mariastefania; Phillips, P. Jonathan"3_9J_NF_515.pgm" - raw image file showing the near field beam distribution of the frequency doubled beam. "6th_pass_FF_10J_10Hz" - raw image file showing the far field beam distribution of the fundamental beam. "515_Energy.txt" - raw beam energy data of the frequency converted beam. "Output_E_bonded_slabs_10J_10Hz.txt" - raw beam energy data of infrared beam amplification with the bonded slabs at 10 J, 10 Hz in DiPOLE. "Pulse_t_profile_10Hz_10J.xlsx" - raw data file showing the temporal profile of the output infrared pulses during 10 J, 10 Hz operation.
- Data associated with the manuscript 'Efficient and stable second harmonic conversion, at the 0.5 kW-level, of a diode-pumped Yb:YAG laser'(2023-10) Clarke, DanielleThis dataset contains the experimental data presented in the manuscript 'Efficient and stable second harmonic conversion, at the 0.5 kW-level, of a diode-pumped Yb:YAG laser'. In the manuscript, efficient and stable, type-I phase matched second harmonic conversion of a nanosecond high-energy, diode-pumped, Yb:YAG laser is presented. With the frequency doubling crystal in an enclosed, temperature-controlled holder with optical windows, an RMS energy stability of 0.49 % was achieved for a period of approximately half an hour. This resulted in 48.9 J pulses at 10 Hz (489 W) and a conversion efficiency of 73.8 %. The dataset includes data for a range of set-point temperatures (30, 40, 50 and 70 dgerees) for the two temperature-controlled (TC) holders, TC1 and TC2. 'HJ-D-P4-EM-1' is the input energy at 1030 nm. 'HJ-SHG-1W' is the residual 1030 nm energy after the frequency doubling crystal. 'HJ-SHG-2W' is the converted 515 nm energy after the frequency doubling crystal.
- Input paramters and synthetic data for x-ray spectra deconvolution from linear absorption spectrometer via analytically reduced minimisation routine(2021) Armstrong, C. D; Neely, D.; McKenna, P.; Gray, R. J.; Pirozhkov, A. S.; Kumar, D.The data associated with this paper is as follows; the input parameters used to benchmark the analysis routine, the code necessary to generate this input spectra and the reconstructed parameters from which the analysis routine is benchmarked and the mathematica notebook outlining the derivation of the reconstruction equations. The core analysis routine is not provided. The readme for each file is included as a file and contains detailed information on python libraries used for the code, and the necessary program from running the mathematica notebook.
- Characterisation of stress-induced depolarisation in a DiPOLE 100J 10 Hz amplifier(2021) De Vido, MariastefaniaExperimental data on the characterisation of stress-induced depolarisation in a DiPOLE 100J 10Hz amplifier as a function of optics in the beam path, pumping power, mass flow rate, input polarisation state. Data refers to single pass measurements.
- Data associated with the manuscript titled “Towards terawatt-scale spectrally-tunable terahertz pulses via relativistic laser-foil interactions”(2020-07) Liao, Guoqian; Liu, Hao; Scott, Graeme; Zhang, Yihang; Zhu, Bao-Jun; Zhang, Zhe; Li, Yutong; Armstrong, C. D.; Zemaityte, Egle; Bradford, Philip; Rusby, Dean; Neely, David; Huggard, Peter; McKenna, Paul; Brenner, Ceri; Woolsey, Nigel; Wang, Wei-Min; Sheng, Zheng-Ming; Zhang, JieThis dataset includes experimental and numerical data from the manuscript 'Towards terawatt-scale spectrally-tunable terahertz pulses via relativistic laser-foil interactions'. The experimental data are obtained in the experiment titled “Intense terahertz radiation from picosecond laser-produced plasmas” (Application No.: 16110035, PI: David Neely), performed at Vulcan TAW. In this experiment, we demonstrate efficient production of terawatt (TW)-level THz pulses from high-intensity picosecond laser-foil interactions, and find the THz spectrum can be manipulated effectively by tuning the laser pulse duration or target size. A general analytical framework for THz generation is developed involving both the high-current electron emission and a time-varying electron sheath at the target rear, and the spectral tunability is found to stem from the change of the dominant THz generation mechanism. The THz radiation is applied to quantitatively diagnose the electron emission and the transient sheath, in good agreements with experimental measurements. Please see the file named “Data description” in the root directory of the attached zip file for a detailed description of the data contained therein. The data acquisition and analysis methods can also be found in the manuscript.
- Data and DOIs related to “Laser produced electromagnetic pulses: generation, detection and mitigation”(2020-04-01) Consoli, Fabrizio; Tikhonchuk, Vladimir; Bardon, Matthieu; Bradford, Philip; Carroll, David; Cikhardt, Jakub; Cipriani, Mattia; Clarke, Robert; Cowan, Thomas; Danson, Colin; De Angelis, Riccardo; De Marco, Massimo; dubois, jean-luc; Etchessahar, Bertrand; Laso Garcia, Alejandro; Hillier, David I.; Honsa, Ales; Jiang, Weiman; Kmetik, Viliam; Krasa, Josef; Li, Yutong; Lubrano, Frédéric; McKenna, Paul; Metzkes-Ng, Josefine; Poyé, Alexandre; Prencipe, Irene; Raczka, Piotr; Smith, Roland A.; Vrana, Roman; Woolsey, Nigel; Zemaityte, Egle; Zhang, Yihang; Zhang, Zhe; Zielbauer, Bernhard; Neely, DavidThis repository entry is a central DOI for data related to the electromagnetic pulse (EMP) review paper titled: “Laser produced electromagnetic pulses: generation, detection and mitigation”. Data already in existing archives have the DOI provided. New data not in an archive is provided within this DOI. The review paper abstract is: “This paper provides an up to date review of the problems related to the generation, detection and mitigation of strong electromagnetic pulses created in the interaction of high power, high energy laser pulses with different types of solid targets. It includes new experimental data obtained independently at several international laboratories. The mechanisms of electromagnetic field generation are analyzed and considered as a function of the intensity and the spectral range of emissions they produce. The major emphasis is put towards the GHz frequency domain which is the most damaging for electronics and may have important applications. The physics of electromagnetic emissions in other spectral domains, in particular THz and MHz, is also discussed. The theoretical models and numerical simulations are compared with the results of experimental measurements, with special attention to the methodology of measurements and complementary diagnostics. Understanding the underlying physical processes is the basis for developing techniques to mitigate the electromagnetic threat and to harness electromagnetic emissions, which may have promising applications.” List of data: • Figure 5: Matlab code and input file used to generate figure provided in file “” • Figure 6: Matlab code and input file used to generate figure provided in file “” • Figure 18: experimental data used to generate figure is located at: • Figure 54: data used to generate figure is located at: • Figure 55: data used to generate figure is located at: • Figure 56: data used to generate figure is located at: • Figure 57: data used in figure given in excel spreadsheet provided in file “Figures-57-58-59_Orion_Hillier-D” • Figure 58: data used in figure given in excel spreadsheet provided in file “Figures-57-58-59_Orion_Hillier-D” • Figure 59: data used in figure given in excel spreadsheet provided in file “Figures-57-58-59_Orion_Hillier-D”
- Characterisation of the absorption of the zero-phonon line of Yb:YAG between 80K and 300K(2020-12-31) De Vido, MariastefaniaRaw data showing the temperature dependence of the absorption of Yb:YAG near the zero-phonon line at temperatures between 80 K and 300 K.
- Stable High Energy, High Repetition Rate Frequency Doubling in Large Aperture Temperature Controlled LBO at 515 nm(2019-11-14) Phillips, PaulEnergy meter readings Camera data FF and NF Infrared camera data
- Biggles PLOS one submission data(2019-07) Hirsch, Michael; Zanetti-Domingues, Laura CarolinaData accompaning manuscript "A global sampler of single particle tracking solutions for single molecule microscopy"
- Data associated with the manuscript titled “Effects of internal target structures on laser-driven neutron production”(2019-04-26) Neely, DavidThis work is a study of laser-driven neutron production effected by different internal target structures via the Particle in Cell code KLAPS and a Monte Carlo post-processor. It has been illustrated in the manuscript titled “Effects of internal target structures on laser-driven neutron production” [Zhang et al 2019 Nucl. Fusion]. Please see the dataset associated with the results of the manuscript. The simulation setup and analysis methods for the data can be found in the manuscript.
- Dataset summarising experimental results on the performance of a quartz polarisation rotator at low temperature(2019) De Vido, MariastefaniaThis dataset provides the experimental data on the performance of a 13.11 mm crystalline quartz rotator at low temperature. The rage of temperatures covered in this study is between 77 K and 325 K. We measured the temperature dependence of optical activity by propagating 1030 nm laser light collinearly with the optic axis. The effect on the polarisation state of the beam was assessed using an extinction method, where the beam propagates, in succession, through a polariser, the quartz sample and another polariser (analyser). The data is summarised in an Excel document. The first tab relates to data collected by keeping the transmission axes of the polariser and analyser parallel while the temperature of the quartz sample was varied. The other tabs contain the experimental data collected by varying the orientation of the transmission axis of the analyser while keeping the temperature of the quartz sample constant.
- Data associated with the manuscript titled "Multi-millijoule coherent terahertz bursts from picosecond laser-irradiated metal foils"(2019) Liao, Guoqian; Li, Yutong; Liu, Hao; Scott, Graeme; Neely, David; Zhang, Yihang; Zhu, Baojun; Zhang, Zhe; Armstrong, Chris; Zemaityte, Egle; Bradford, Philip; Huggard, Peter; Rusby, Dean; McKenna, Paul; Brenner, Ceri; Woolsey, Nigel; Wang, Weimin; Sheng, Zhengming; Zhang, JieThis dataset includes experimental and numerical data from the manuscript 'Multi-millijoule coherent terahertz bursts from picosecond laser-irradiated metal foils'. The experimental data are obtained in the experiment titled “Intense terahertz radiation from picosecond laser-produced plasmas” (App No.: 16110035, PI: David Neely), performed at TAW Vulcan from 8th May 2017 to 10th June 2017. The data are taken to demonstrate a terahertz (THz) pule energy as high as tens of millijoules (mJ) and identify the underlying THz generation mechanisms. Please see the file named “Data description” in the root directory of the attached zip file for a detailed description of the data contained therein. The acquisition and analysis methods of the data can also be found in the manuscript.