Data for 'A scintillating fiber imaging spectrometer for active characterisation of laser-driven proton beams', J. K. Patel et al., High Power Laser Science and Engineering, 2024
Extranal files
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This dataset contains the raw experimental data, relevant calibration data, source code, configuration files, simulation data and analysis scripts which are associated with the research published in the article 'A scintillating fiber imaging spectrometer for active characterisation of laser-driven proton beams', J. K. Patel et al., High Power Laser Science and Engineering, 2024.
The data are organised into Section datasets corresponding to sections of the main article to which the contained data are associated. Each Section dataset is organised to separate raw data, calibration data, configuration files, source code, analysis scripts (and intermediate analysis files) and generate figures. Each dataset also contains a dedicated README.txt file which describes the purpose and content of each of the files in the dataset in detail. The main article and associated supplementary material contain the details of the experimental and simulation setups and should be the main point of reference. The additional files '', '' and '' are used by other analysis scripts in multiple datasets, so are included just once in the root directory to avoid duplication.
The analysis scripts and interactive notebooks were run using Python 3.9.19 and the following additional packages are required throughout the analysis:
- numpy-1.24.3
- matplotlib-3.8.0
- pandas-2.0.3
- scipy-1.9.3
- scikit-image-0.19.3
- tifffile-2023.8.30
- uproot 4.3.7